Learn about our Professional Development

    • Learn about the National Apology to the Stolen Generations & yarn, paint & reflect

    • Join Dr Lana Leslie, & Brett Groves on the 16th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.

    • Learn about the Apology, yarn & reflect while creating your own artwork.

    • Tuesday, 13 February, 10am to 12pm at Bilingarra Indigenous Art & Culture, 1006 Great Western Highway, Bowenfels

    • $110 payable on the day

    • Bookings: Email Brett Groves at brett@bilingarra.com.au

  • Working effectively with Aboriginal clients requires a toolkit of knowledge, skills, and values. Many programs focus on building knowledge of Aboriginal peoples and cultures however can miss an important focus: You. A critical component of developing a culturally responsive practice is to understand your own background, knowledge, values and attitudes and the impacts these can have on your practice. This workshop will introduce Cultural responsiveness however have a specific focus on you, the practitioner. It will provide opportunities for self reflection as well as practical strategies for developing a culturally responsive practice to meet the needs of Aboriginal clients.

  • Culturally unsafe work & organisation environments can negatively impact Aboriginal peoples while conversely safe and supportive environments can provide places where Aboriginal peoples can thrive. This workshop will introduce cultural safety with a special focus on culturally safe environments. It will provide strategies for organisations and their employees to develop and contribute to culturally safe environments for Aboriginal peoples.

  • It is vitally important to develop respectful relationships with Aboriginal peoples to enable reconciliation; and to enable services to be delivered to Aboriginal peoples, families and communities. Central to relationships is effective and culturally appropriate communication. This workshop focuses on aspects of effective communication including the basics of communication, building trust, respecting protocols and appropriate terminology. It will develop knowledge and skills to ensure effective relationships with Aboriginal peoples.

  • Self-care for Aboriginal workers is vitally important to not only manage individual health and resilience but also to prevent stress and burnout. Managing multiple layers of relationships with families, communities and workplaces can result in added pressures and responsibilities, creating an emotional labour which can impact on health. This workshop focuses on the importance of self-care strategies for Aboriginal workers, with a special focus on cultural wellbeing.

  • Aboriginal staff bring unique skills and perspectives to their workplaces and often assist organisations with developing strong relationships with Aboriginal clients, communities and Aboriginal organisations. While some workplaces can be supportive and culturally safe, other workplaces can be stressful, isolating and culturally unsafe. This workshop focuses on resilience and thriving in workplaces. It includes understanding the importance of Culturally safe environments, yarns about what you bring to the workplace and strategies to address challenges as well as to build resilience.

  • This workshop is for those who supervise Aboriginal staff. It includes understanding histories that impact on Aboriginal peoples' lives; and developing knowledge and understanding of experiences of Aboriginal peoples in the workplace. In addition, culturally safe environments are discussed with an emphasis on strategies and culturally appropriate behaviors and language. A strengths-based approach is used that includes resilience and self-care for Aboriginal workers.

  • Lateral violence is the tendency of peoples from oppressed groups to direct their frustration and anger from their experiences of oppression at members of their own group (Australian Human Rights Commisssion, 2011). This presentation will develop your knowledge and understanding to provide you with tools for practice when working with Aboriginal peoples and communities.

  • The Winangay Cultural Education Program for Leaders will provide you with knowledge, skills and understandings to strengthen leadership in your organisation to work more effectively with Aboriginal staff, peoples, and communities. Based on Indigenous knowledges, this 14-week program has four themes:

    1. Journey of Self.

    2. Cultural Considerations.

    3. Communicating Effectively.

    4. Leadership Considerations.

  • Boards or Management Committees need to make decisions that are culturally safe. This workshop will introduce cultural safety with a special focus on decision making impacting Aboriginal employees and volunteers. It will assist Boards or Management Committees to ensure their decision making incorporates Aboriginal cultural issues and sensitivities.

  • This workshop assists participants to develop their knowledge and understanding of key historical, social and political events that impact Aboriginal contemporary lives. In addition, the session promotes understanding of the diversity of cultures and identities within Aboriginal peoples and communities.

  • To discuss your training needs, contact Dr Lana Leslie. Lana has 20 years experience of developing education programs & can tailor-make a workshop or extended program for your organisation including your Board or Management Committee.


Winangay Cultural Education for Leaders

The Winangay Cultural Education Program for Leaders will provide you with knowledge, skills and understandings to strengthen leadership in your organisation to work more effectively with Aboriginal staff, peoples, and communities. Based on Indigenous knowledges, this 14-week program has four themes:

1. Journey of Self.

2. Cultural Considerations.

3. Communicating Effectively.

4. Leadership Considerations.

The program includes:

  • Seven, three-hour workshops.

  • Self-directed learning activities.

  • An emphasis on critical reflection.

  • A capstone project involving preparation of a high-level PowerPoint presentation to your executive or senior management team.

Teaching and Learning Methods:

  • Yarns/discussions.

  • Problem-based learning.

  • Case studies.

  • Peer learning (if conducted in a group).

  • Reading.

  • Watching relevant online content.

  • Critical reflection.

Learning Outcomes

1. Journey of Self

1.1 Examine self as a context for understanding Aboriginal peoples.

1.2 Critically reflect on own leadership in Aboriginal contexts.

2. Cultural Considerations

2.1 Examine key cultural considerations that impact on leadership.

2.2 Identify key social and political issues that have impacted on the lives of Aboriginal people, and implications to practice.

3. Communicating Effectively

3.1 Demonstrate capacity to communicate effectively & build strong relationships with Aboriginal peoples.

3.2 Construct a professional presentation that clearly communicates information that will benefit the organisation.

3.3 Demonstrate presentation skills to engage an audience.

4. Leadership Considerations

4.1 Examine the role and importance of leadership in building a culturally safe organisational environment.

4.2 Discuss the importance of culturally appropriate organisational policies and practices.

4.3 Develop capacity to respond effectively to workplace challenges.

4.4 Develop capacity to lead and role model reconciliation.

4.5 Develop leadership capacity of Aboriginal staff.